Unmanaged travel costs both time and money. If nobody within an organization is responsible for business travel or travel policy, your company could be facing a problem. With the continued growth of business travel, it can be a difficult aspect of your business to streamline and perfect when not managed properly. Industry data confirms that...Read More
Whether you are a frequent or a novice traveller, preparing for a trip can be exhausting, time-consuming and an anxiety trigger for a lot of us. Did I pack the right clothes? How will I communicate? Will I have time to exercise? We’ve compiled 10 mobile apps to help solve your travel problems, make your...Read More
Here’s an infographic on Travel Policy Best Practices that summarizes some of the key considerations when building an effective travel policy. Click here to download the travel policy info-graphic. More Information on Travel Policy Best Practices? Contact us. We are happy to help! For more helpful resources, info-graphics and whitepapers – please visit the ‘Resources’...Read More
Travel Management is absolutely vital to large companies with large travel budgets. But will travel management work with your smaller company? As your company grows, travel has the potential to be a headache. A Travel Management Company will manage your company’s corporate travel program. Among other things, they will often provide an online booking tool, mobile...Read More
Writing a travel policy isn’t necessarily easy or “black and white”. There can be many grey areas like cancelled flights, upgraded cars and hotel rooms, limos and extravagant meals. This may leave you wondering if creating a travel policy is worth the effort! It’s actually the grey areas that are the very reason to create...Read More
Your travel routine can definitely affect your health. We understand that it’s easy to fall into the trap of high calorie meals, little exercise and expenses due to unforeseen medical issues. If travel is a key component of your job or personal life – check out these 7 tips to help you stay healthy on the road....Read More
Is finding the best gift ideas for the constant traveller in your life a challenge? Here are our 8 top gift ideas that are sure to please any jet-setter! 1. Narrative Clip2 Camera Get it from – http://getnarrative.com/ The Worlds Most Wearable Camera that shoots both photos and HD videos. Allows you the ability to...Read More
When comparing Travel Management Companies (TMCs), it’s important to keep your organization’s goals in mind and whether or not you’ll be able to achieve them with each service offering. To help you keep on track, we’ve put together a few questions to keep in mind as sales reps demo their product: Is the demo live?...Read More
After you’ve created your Travel Management Company shortlist, it’s time to have a product demonstration or proof-of-concept presentation with important stakeholders in attendance. You’ll be able to gauge whether their service proposition will be a good fit for your organization, and you’ll also get a feel for whether or not your organizations’ cultures will complement...Read More
Travel app development continues and shows no sign of stopping…nor should it! Here’s 5 essential apps to help with some challenges that come along with travelling: Protection against theft Digital security should be a concern for everyone (whether travelling overseas or just across town). Prey is a free security system that works with your PC,...Read More